丽贝卡·托特曼| 2005届毕业生

丽贝卡·托特曼在旁边 密歇根州立大学丹佛 艺术系 alumna Rebecca Totman has over 10 years of experience in the television and animation industries. 作为长期播放的动画片《皇冠体育官网》的副制片人,她管理着180多名艺术家和制作人员, 以及复杂的2D动画流水线, 每季播出22集. 除了出演《皇冠体育官网》之外,丽贝卡还和她的团队一起制作和策划了六场合作艺术展, 《爱恨洛杉矶.

Audio 听录音 鸟说话 丽贝卡·托特曼的播客:
在这一集里丽贝卡 & 主持人杰米夸夸其谈辛普森一家, 火人, 通过艺术创造快乐, 做一个足智多谋的跑路者. 丽贝卡深情地讲述了她在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的经历, 特别提到了CVA和艺术系. Her insights and reflections capture the essence of her journey and the influential role that 密歇根州立大学丹佛 played in it.

鸟说话 是一个关于校友事业和生活的皇冠体育官网播客吗, hosted by Jamie Hurst. 这一集的主角是丽贝卡·托特曼.
密歇根州立大学丹佛分校校友鸟类讲座 是一个关于校友事业和生活的皇冠体育官网播客吗.



罗里·奥弗多夫在高中时对设计产生了兴趣. “I had an amazing photography teacher in high school who I really admired and his philosophy for creativity not having boundaries,罗里说. 自毕业, 罗里已经开始为Sphero工作, 为新产品设计包装, 包括该公司的Sphero BB-8应用支持的Droid. 从学生时代到现在的专业人士, 罗里引用了他在设计工作中发现的对自由的持续欣赏. 罗里说:“我非常感谢参加这个项目的老师们. “Peter Bergman sticks out to me because he always reminded us there is no right and wrong direction when given a project. I think it was that sense of freedom that a lot of professions don’t get that really made me appreciate the program. 设计 means so many things to so many people and I love thinking about having total control in my path as I grow as a designer.”


莫莉界限 | 2014届毕业生

莫莉·邦兹, painting called How You Carry Yourself portrays a woman wearing earring and black cowl neck sleeveless shirt.莫莉界限, a 北京艺术学院 graduate, chose to concentrate on Printmaking for the freedom it provided. “Printmaking has a way of encompassing any medium you want so it felt the least confining as a major,”她说。. “It felt limitless and without too many boundaries, which was the perfect thing for me. 但最终吸引我的是这个紧密联系的印刷社区.” She encourages art students to really support each other and care about each other as individuals rather than just networking. “You should not have to bend your beliefs or break your convictions to do what you love to do,”她说。. 莫莉最近有个节目叫 关键焦点:莫莉界限 在丹佛当代艺术博物馆展出. “在MCA演出是一个很棒的机会, 尤其是来自DIY艺术家经营空间的世界,莫利说. “Getting to show your work on a larger platform whether within an institution or on a giant wall is a position that is all at once liberating and vulnerable.”


玛德琳·卡特曼| 2015届毕业生

玛德琳·卡特曼的肖像玛德琳·Kattman, currently a student in the 多伦多大学艺术史专业的文学硕士 – first became interested in art history as an art student who discovered a passion for reading and writing about other artists’ works. 她开始在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校学习艺术史,并于2015年毕业. “学术课程本身就很有挑战性, 但它真的帮助我知道我想要我的研究是什么,玛德琳说. 在教职员工的帮助下, 她把研究重点缩小到当代艺术, 表演艺术, 以及它的结构. In addition to her time in the classroom, she worked at the Center for Visual Art for two years. For prospective art history students, Madeliene encourages engagement with the art community. “我认为艺术史学家的灵活性很重要, 接受批评, 喜欢阅读, 并投资于他们的艺术社区,”她说。. “The best way to develop your research and to understand its implications is to talk to artists, 策展人, and other historians about their methods and what issues surround art and its histories.”


Angel Lopez | 2016届毕业生

安吉尔·洛佩兹《面具》在短暂尝试了一个不相关领域的课程后, 天使洛佩兹 意识到艺术是什么让他最快乐,并开始探索设计在密歇根州立大学丹佛. His senior experience course helped him focused on his core values and how those pillars related to his identity as a designer. 这些价值观, 他说, “我把它们作为对抗社会和文化压迫的动力,他说. “我也用这些柱子来庆祝我来自的丰富文化.2016年从通信设计专业毕业后, Ángel正在寻找一个允许实验和创新的研究生项目. 他在帕森斯设计学院获得了跨学科设计的硕士学位. “这个项目谈到了可持续性, 社会变革, 跨学科合作, 实际上是在研究当代问题,他说. He encourages students with similar passions to make time to give themselves creative assignments outside of school and work. “对一个艺术家来说,有很多灵感迸发的时刻,”他说. “你可能会在电影中找到灵感, 广告, 有人针织, 涂鸦, 食物, 音乐, 从哪里. 挑战自己,从激励你的事物中创造.”



人们在给莫奈的画拍照校友贝基·达西获得艺术史、理论与批评学士学位. 在攻读研究生学位的同时,达西还在写艺术方面的文章.

今年秋天, 她还在丹佛艺术博物馆的展览中担任画廊主持人, 《克劳德·莫奈:自然的真相.读贝基的 莫奈必看之作入门, 这是20多年来法国印象派最大规模的展览, 发表在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校 红色的.


迈克尔松下 | 2020级

迈克尔·松下的照片旁边是他获奖的标志, 里面有他的名字和一个花的符号.恭喜迈克尔松下 (BFA传播设计), 2020年春季),以获得Logo Lounge Book 12的认可.

在全球范围内提交了超过40,000个标志,其中3,000个获得了认可. Logo Lounge is one of the most prestigious identity design competitions in the industry and Logo Lounge Book 12 being the largest design volume yet to date.



加布里埃尔·哈钦斯的肖像Gabriel Hutchings is an active artist in the 丹佛 community and was recently selected as the 2023 Curator of the Octopus Initiative at the Museum of Contemporary Art, 丹佛. The Octopus Initiative Program offers residents of the 丹佛 metropolitan area an opportunity to borrow amazing artworks from local artists for a period of 10 months. 每年, 策展人 are invited to select the local artists whose work will be made available for lending. 哈钦选集的主题是“身份的土壤”.

读读哈钦斯和章鱼倡议 and find out more about how this alumnus is using his education at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 to connect communities with contemporary art!



2024年专题介绍 传播艺术:互动年度 & “2023卓越奖”

三个面板展示了手机上的UX/UI产品. 第一个面板显示打开—Let's Get Started—屏幕, and the other two panels show stages within the app and include colorful backgrounds and emotionally expressive face icons.Huge congratulations to Phoebe Nguyen (Communication 设计 研究生, 2023) for being featured in 传播艺术:互动年度-首屈一指的传播设计出版物-以表彰她在Feelz上的杰出工作, 作为数字日志和情绪调节工具的移动应用程序. Feelz was Phoebe’s first foray into creating a mobile app and ignited a passion for UX/UI design. Feelz有探测情绪模式的独特能力, 帮助支持心理健康之旅, 培养牢固的关系, 识别被动和主动的自杀意念. This innovative UX/UI product was developed in CDES 4252: Mobile Prototyping under the guidance of Professor Shawn Meek.


菲比之top获得了“2023优秀奖” 沟通的艺术.

她的作品来自这门课的作业 CDES 430E运动设计由凯利·莫尼科教授教授的课程也在他们的网站上展出. 提交的是一个名为“茁壮成长”的项目,” where students learn to use the software Procreate by creating a conceptually compelling, 精心设计的游戏. 干得好,菲比!





丹佛州立大学艺术系的校友是皇冠官网网站过去和未来的重要组成部分. 皇冠官网网站正在与…合作 校友办公室 & 朋友 来帮助维持它的主要任务, which is to develop and maintain a knowledgeable and involved 校友 constituency dedicated to the well-being of the University. If you are an alum who would like to share your “after experience” with students via this website and/or our social media channels, 请 皇冠官网网站.


密歇根州立大学丹佛艺术学院的学生, 校友, faculty and staff are invited to submit your art stories and events so we can help spread the word on this website, 通过社交媒体和其他推广方式.
